Welcome to the UK & Ireland Postal Bible School Website

Here you will find all the information you need about UK & Ireland Postal Bible Schools, the Bibletime material they use, where they are and how to join them. If you have any additional questions or comments, please contact us.

A Postal Bible School (PBS).

A Postal Bible School (PBS) is autonomous and independent in their organisation and funding. It is a correspondence school, whose aim is to “tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord.”

A PBS will send a printed copy of the material out by mail to each of its registered students every month. The material is free to a student who has registered with them.

Once completed, the booklet should be returned to the PBS centre for marking. A student’s marks are recorded, and they will often receive certificates or prizes based on their achievements.

Some PBS centres organise camps, weekends away, fun days and prize events for their students.

The Resources.

The children’s material used by Postal Bible Schools is known as Bibletime, and is produced by Bible Educational Services (BES).

Bibletime is written, designed, edited, and published by BES UK. It is a monthly course of fun-filled activity sheets designed to help learners engage with the Bible. It can be completed individually or in a group setting. It is available in 5 ability levels with a suggested reading age* for each level (see below). The 3-year syllabus is divided into A, B and C Series and is pitched equally throughout. Each Series combines Bible teaching from both the Old and New Testaments. The aim is to complete one A4 booklet per month.