
The children’s material used by Postal Bible Schools is known as Bibletime, and is produced by Bible Educational Services (BES).

Bibletime is written, designed, edited, and published by BES UK. It is a monthly course of fun-filled activity sheets designed to help learners engage with the Bible. It can be completed individually or in a group setting. It is available in 5 ability levels with a suggested reading age* for each level (see below). The 3-year syllabus is divided into A, B and C Series and is pitched equally throughout. Each Series combines Bible teaching from both the Old and New Testaments. The aim is to complete one A4 booklet per month.


ability levels

with suggested age guides

Level 0


Level 1

Age 5-7

Level 2

Age 8-10

Level 3

Age 11-13

Level 4

Age 14+


lessons per A4 booklet

covering the main Bible stories & characters


year syllabus per level

A, B & C series, all equally pitched


booklet options

A4 (mainly UK & Ireland) and A5 (mainly International)


lesson per week

for 15 years!

Resources for Adults

Adult material is also available from PBS Centres also produced by BES.

Going Deeper

The Going Deeper Course is a three-year comprehensive study of the main truths of the Christian Faith designed for late teens and adults. There are 4 studies within one A4 booklet. One study should be completed each week. The aim is for the student to complete one A4 booklet per month.


Gleaners is a five-year course which is an in-depth course for adults, aimed at increasing their depth of Biblical knowledge.  There are 4 studies within one A4 booklet. One study should be completed each week. The aim is for the student to complete one A4 booklet per month.

Download for free

All Booklets can be downloaded from the BES website free of charge However, if you could like them marked and possibly receive rewards based on your achievements, you will need to join a PBS Centre